Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My brother Rene - an amazing Leatherboy and Leatherman

Not only was I invited to be in Calgary Canada this past weekend for the Western Canada LeatherSIR/boy contest.  I was also personally invited by one of my classmates from ILSb 2011 to be beside him for the end of his Regional Year as Western Canada Leatherboy 2011.
I may have only met boy Rene Hebert four short months ago, but he has quickly taken hold of a close spot in my heart.  In just four short months I have gotten the chance to watch boy Rene grow in ways that I’m not sure he thought possible.  To say that I am very proud of him would be a gross understatement.  Not only did he do an amazing job during his Regional title year by doing everything within his ability to see as much of his huge region as he could, but he also made his Family, Friends, Producers, and Country proud by being named First Runner-Up International Leatherboy 2011. 
To put it simply, boy Rene is the embodiment of what running for a title is all about.  It isn’t about being on the top of the world, or being the center of attention (Although trust me, you do end up getting a lot of attention LOL).  Running for a Leather Title is all about becoming a stronger, more confident, Leatherman/Leatherwoman. 
I know that boy Rene’s Regional Title year has come to an end, but I also know that the journey that this has started is just beginning. 
I don’t say this very often, because to me these words are very sacred, boy Rene Hebert is truly my Brother until the end, and I am humbled and honored to call him one of my dearest friends.
I love ya Eh ya Hoser!

pup Nitro
International Leatherboy 2011

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